Sierra Cartwright - Bestselling Author

What to Do When You’re Worried

Sinead, the heroine in the upcoming Determined Billionaire is worried­—probably unnecessarily—about something, but telling herself to stop doesn’t help. And I posed a question to my reader about how they deal with unnecessary worry.

Some of the answers were fabulous! Here are some of the strategies they shared: Considering the worst case scenario—as well as the best case—and then realizing what’s real. Using white noise, reading, staying busy, learning to trust, working out, listening to Ho’oponopono, driving, setting a limit on the amount of time spent worrying.

Other strategies you shared: taking deep breaths, getting a hug, learning to focus on more positive things, asking a set of questions (such as “can I control this?”), listening more to my instincts, and working on recognizing when I’m worried so I can let it go faster.

A couple of people shared that they worry less now that they’re a bit wiser (I refuse to say older!).

I’d love to hear what your strategies are.


I hope today’s Monday Mantra will help you avoid unnecessary worry. I love ya!





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